When most bloggers think about publicizing their blog, they turn to Facebook and Instagram. But I’d argue that Pinterest is a powerful social media tool, too.

It allows users to “pin” things that interest them to digital “boards” inside the program.

For example, I have a Pinterest board for recipes I want to try and another Pinterest board for places I want to go and trips I want to take.

Most people think pins are just images and inspirations.  But each pin can be clicked-through to drive people directly to your blog. And since friends and family share pins, it’s a fast way to gain exposure to people you wouldn’t normally meet otherwise.

It’s important when you create a Pinterest account that you create one that’s completely dedicated to your brand as a travel writer or blogger, rather than trying to combine it with a personal Pinterest account where you might pin things completely unrelated to your business. 

Here are three tips on how to use Pinterest to boost your blog readership and promote your blog: 

Get to know your Pinterest demographic

Although Pinterest use by men is increasing, the majority of Pinterest users are female. The pins you create or repin are seen by the users who either follow you or your boards or have searched for pins like yours. You can see the analytics of your users with a Pinterest business account. Take note of the images and labels that describe the common interests your pinners share, like “World Travel” or “Summer Getaways.” 

Try to find ways to incorporate your audience’s other interests into your content. For example, if you run a travel content website, but you see that most of your audience is also interested in cooking, create pins like: “Cooking On The Road” or “5 Ways To Bring Your Travels Into the Kitchen.” 

Write descriptions Pinners will find

Pinterest users will often scroll through their feed, or the feeds of specific topics (like Travel, Writing Tips, Inspiring Quotes) to pin down interesting things that come into view, but they will also use the network’s search engine to find fun, new content. 

Add relevant keywords and tags to your pins to make sure they get some visibility. Highlight keywords like “Travel Tips” or “Visit Denver” in individual pins, as well as in the board description and the board title. 

Set up your website to be Pinterest-savvy

Make it possible for your readers to pin content from your website directly to Pinterest by installing “Pin It” buttons on your site. Users can create a pin and post it to Pinterest using a window that pops up when they click a “Pin It” button. 

You should also add a Pinterest “follow” button (a plugin you will need to install) to encourage your readers to follow you on the network. Another widget you can add will allow you to display thumbnails of your latest pins, right on your site. This will help your audience find your Pinterest page, which will lead to them following you long-term. 

So next time you publish something or post a blog entry, think about all the ways you are going to pin about it! 

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To TravelA Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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