Everyone has their own perspective on life. No one sees the same view of the world as you. And it’s a good thing, because your unique perspective can help your stock photo sales. Jackie here again, writing to you from Day Two of our stock photography expedition in Cotacachi, Ecuador. Today, Shelly reminded us that no two photographers capture the world exactly the same way. Sure, you’ve got to follow some rules of composition and get your technicals right… but photo buyers like to see shots that make use of unique angles and viewpoints. To spice up your shots, try getting on your knees or laying down completely. Find a bench to stand on, or shoot through something to create an interesting frame. Make your photos stand out by shooting them with your own unique perspective. Attendees really took this lesson to heart and came back with some great shots. Take a look at some of the unique photos they took throughout the day: Tomorrow we’re headed to Otavalo, where we’ll wander down aisles upon aisles of hand-woven alpaca rugs, scarves, hats, and sweaters… painted frames and boxes, silver jewelry, art, and more. This is one of my favorite parts of the expedition, because not only do you find gifts you just can’t get back at home, but in many cases, you get to buy directly from the artisan. And you always find something new. Hasta luego! [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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