Following yesterday’s note on how to fight the fear of rejection, I hope you’re now making plans to submit some of your photos as stock so they can start earning you an income sooner rather than later. It’s true, getting started can be scary. But when you consider the rewards, it’s worth giving it a go. I get regular notes from my Breakfast Stock Club Members with reports of success… people who are giving it a try for the first time and finding that it’s not so scary, after all. In fact, it’s a lot of fun! So, to help inspire you even more — and give you a taste of what you could be enjoying — here’s a few of their recent success stories… “HAPPY DANCE!! Got eight new images accepted to a new agency!! Now I have two agencies under my belt!” — Sherry R. P. “Final acceptance hurdle achieved!! Made it into iStock!! Woohoo!” — Joy C. “Holy moly… I’m walking on air! I uploaded 10 images to Big Stock last night and I just got an email that all 10 were accepted. Wow, and I have been putting off uploading… that rejection thing. No excuses now.” — Rebecca R.-C. “Finally got an e-mail that I was accepted to Shutterstock… by the time I got home I already had three sales.” — Dana E. “Just thought I’d share. I was able to request my first payout on iStockphoto today. Actually, it’s my first payout on any stock site and it will more than pay for Breakfast. LOL” — Kim W. “Had my third best month ever in stock in October – and hit 600 sales on Shutterstock with 118 photos online — now if I meet my goal of 2,000 online I can really augment my income.” — Marianne C. “Had over 50 photos accepted to Bigstock, iStock, and Dreamstime this week. Thanks for the continued inspiration!” — Mindy C. You see, you’re not alone in this. Every successful stock photographer once stood where you are now. They, too, had to start somewhere. And these folks are starting now. Once you take the first step — and start submitting photos — you’ll find your way, too. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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