A while back, I created a simple “studio” in my little apartment. I wanted to re-share this with you today because it’s so easy, and it’s nice to have a place in your home where you can consistently set up little photo shoots.

You don’t need a lot to create a daylight photo “studio” in your home.

Here’s what my super-simple dining room setup looked like (that’s my tripod on the right):


To do this, find a window with indirect light, grab an even surface to shoot on, and make sure your background is plain and un-cluttered.

One of our past BSC Premium Challenge themes was “Get Crafty,” so I got out the yarn from that one time I tried to learn how to knit and turned it into some photos I can sell.

Here’s what I got:


What I like most about this is how simple it was. I literally dragged my table over in front of the window and started shooting.

Premium members: Whenever you’re not sure what to shoot, remember you have access to over 60 Roadmaps, including this one on Arts and Crafts – all full of ideas and tips from professional stock photographers on how to make your photos stock-worthy.

So make yourself a little space to shoot, grab a Roadmap from your Breakfast Stock Club Premium member page, and get creative!

If you’re not a Breakfast Stock Club Premium member yet, this summer you can get all of those Roadmap guides, plus TWO photo reviews per month when you join up here.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about getting started selling your photos online in stock agencies – no matter how much or little photography experience you have – in the Breakfast Stock Club e-newsletter. It’s once a week, and it’s free to join, here.]

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