We had more entries than ever before for “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” in June so be sure to watch for the winners next week. For our July challenge, we are going to turn our cameras back to the people side of things — to recognize the gentleness and compassion in those who serve. The theme is:  “The Softer Side of Strength.” Your photos must contain two things: 1.  A person in uniform — a soldier, police officer, firefighter, security guard — someone we associate with power, strength, and duty, and 2.  An act of compassion or kindness. We don’t always see the gentle aspects of the people we look to for strength and protection so this month’s theme might be tough. I think you’re up to it, though. Think of the person’s family life — a policeman holding a newborn or talking gently to a child, a fireman rescuing a dog or kitten, a soldier doing community work.  For those of you in the States, bring your camera out this Fourth of July and see if you can’t capture someone in uniform at a parade holding hands with a child or helping an elderly person down the stairs. Tears are a good way to show someone’s gentle side. But if you do catch somebody crying, don’t think sad tears only.  Happy tears at weddings and graduations are good, too. Don’t forget that you don’t necessarily need a person’s face in the picture to show a gentleness in his or her personality.  I took this picture of my nephew hugging my mom, for example. It’s very similar to one of the wedding shots Lori showed you last Friday. In fact, you might want to reread her article on Selling People Pictures without a Model Release before you start taking pictures for this month’s theme. Submissions for this month’s challenge are due by 8:00 a.m. EST on Monday, July 30, 2007.  You can submit your photos by clicking on the “Enter to Win” tab on our website: www.thephotographerslife.com. Look for a list of winners from last month’s challenge in next week’s Photo Tip. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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