Some of the most fun I’ve had taking photos was with a tripod, at night.

Here’s one I took two years ago in Paris that has since sold as stock:

If you’ve never tried it, you really should — it doesn’t take a lot of practice to get results that are almost magical.

Plus, things that look kind of dull during the day are sometimes spectacular by night.

After reading through stock photographer Danny Warren’s Breakfast Stock Club Premium Roadmap for this month’s Challenge — Night Photography for Stock — I’m super-excited to give this another try.

But before lugging my tripod out into a random field somewhere, I decided to research what kinds of night shots sell best as stock, so I’d have a few ideas.

Here’s what I found, in case you’d like to take advantage of the summer weather to make some night shots for stock, too.

Examples of night photos that sell well as stock:

Dramatic city skylines

Natural landscapes

Camping photos where the tent is lit up inside

Inconic places and things, seen by night

Take an evening stroll or drive through your town to see which landmarks are lit up nicely. Then visit them by day to plan out your shot.

Happy night shooting!

— Bonnie

Bonnie Caton
Great Escape Publishing
Breakfast Stock Club

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The latest from your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page

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** From Katrina Elena Trninich: Just sold my first image through Fotolia!

** From Theresa St John: I just wanted you to know that one of my photos sold on Bigstock and another just sold on Fotolia! Also, one of my wedding photos (picked up by bigstock and fotolia) is now on a jewelry website! It has taken me a lot of time, but since March of this year, I have been picked up by 4 stock sites… 4 sites and 359 images combined.

** From Caroline Maryan: The funniest thing has happened. When I would log onto Dreamstime, I kept getting messages that the same photo had just sold. I thought it was a problem with Dreamstime. Then, I looked up my sales and they were right. That photo has sold 4 times in the last month! WOW!!!

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