Top 20 Traveler Gift List In 2015

If you’re starting to think about what to get for your favorite traveler, writer, or photographer this winter (even if that person is you!), here’s my top-20 traveler gift list for 2015: What’s on your traveler gift list? Leave a comment at the bottom of this post, so...

Best Camera Gear To Buy This Holiday Season

I know, I know… We should get outside on Black Friday. So many companies and state parks are urging people to get outside next week instead of shop. And I should be right there with them… I am right there with them. But that said, if you see a sale on cameras or...

Holiday stock photo shoot list

Here come the winter holidays... and with them, lots of opportunities to take holiday-themed stock photos. Christmas and the surrounding festivities are the biggest sellers in the stock photo world. So whether you’ve started selling your photos on stock sites or not,...

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