Here I am on a plane, again, madly scribbling out my shoot list.I’m headed to Holland right now to run our Photo Expedition with Efrain Padro in and amongst the tulip fields, windmills, and old cobblestone streets of Amsterdam and the surrounding countryside…THEN it’s off to Paris for our Stock Photo Expedition with Lise Gagne and Shelly Perry. I can’t WAIT to share some of the photos from our model shoots, along with a few stock photo tips I’ll pick up.In the meantime, here’s my stock photo shoot list for both workshops:1. Tulips!

– I want to recreate my top-selling shot of tulips while I’m in the Keukenhof Gardens in Holland. You’ve probably already seen the original shot (below). I’d like to improve on the composition by not cutting off any edges of flowers this time.

2. Twilight shots – Efrain is great at setting up twilight shoots with a tripod. I’m looking forward to at least one shot where the sky is that deep cobalt blue, and the city lights are reflecting in a canal.

3. Bikes, windmills, and canals – Because they’re all iconic in Holland.

4. Friends “window shopping” in the streets of Paris – This is one of our model shoots that we have planned, and I’ve seen shots like this sell really well, so I’m excited to try it.

5. Parisian café scene
– People sitting at a café, enjoying each other’s company (with models), or just a café on its own, with tables and chairs out front.

6. “Tourist” models in front of the Eiffel tower – People out doing the tourist thing, pointing to a map, taking photos of each other, etc. This is another shoot we already have set up.

It’s always a good idea to do a little pre-trip research — especially if you want to take stock shots while you’re gone.

We’re lucky to have Lise and Shelly, who already recommended a few stock photo themes that will potentially sell (tourists, window shopping, etc.).

But you don’t need to travel with a world-class stock photographer to take photos you can sell for stock. Before you go on your next trip, search for your destination on a stock site and see what comes up.

What are the best-selling photos for that destination, and how can you put your own twist on them?

I’ll fill you in with a few tips I’m learning once the workshops are underway!

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The latest from your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page

From Chari Paulson: Just sold my first editorial photo on Dreamstime, woohoooooo!!!

From Marianne Campolongo
: Just found out Alamy sold one of my lighthouse photos for a calendar. Went online to search New England and Lighthouse puzzles and actually found it. Here’s the link – it’s February.

From Lynn Mccann: Heading to NYC! What a great place to look for images for Earth Day!
Getting ready for this month’s Challenge!

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