Professional photographer Niels Johansen told us today that upgrading his camera to one that records video has changed his life. By adding video to his photography business, he’s tripled his income — and he only works half as much. I’m sitting in the back of the room on the last day of our Ultimate Money-Making Photography (and Videography) Workshop this week. And, while the theme is money, it’s not the only reason people are here. Some want a job they can take with them into retirement.  Others just want to be happy or have more time to spend with their family.  And still others just want to do something creative that feeds both their soul and their bank account. Things are winding down for attendees here, but Kristen Bentz (2012 Monsoon Photographer of the Year and one of our past photography workshop attendees), isn’t letting everyone go without several photo challenge ideas. Her challenge to every single person in the room is also my challenge to you folks who couldn’t be with us in beautiful New Mexico: 1. Connect with five like-minded people – I know you’re not here with us, but in order to get and stay motivated when it comes to selling your photos, it’s important to form connections and a support network. Join a local photography club. Reach out to other photography-lovers in your life. Visit a fine art gallery or coffee shop nearby and share your pictures. The possibilities for connecting and helping one another reach your dreams are endless… 2. Carry your camera – You never know when a photo opportunity will arise. You should consider your camera your third arm – if you always have it with you, you’ll always be prepared. Plus… you’ll get more comfortable with the settings over time if you’re constantly using it. Don’t let it sit in your closet. Get it out, and keep it out! 3. Do one photography activity a week – Set aside time each week to devote to anything to do with photography. Get up early and capture the sunrise… take a video at a local fair…  schedule a model shoot over the weekend… go to the river and practice with moving water… Don’t let a week go by without devoting time to doing what you love. 4. Never give up! Even the best we know in the industry had to deal with rejection along the way. What made them successful was their determination to keep on learning…and trying again… If you’ve been on the fence about selling some of those photos gathering dust on your computer, now’s the time to dust them off and get started. Here’s a quick clip of some of the fun we had this week… photo challenge ideas Share on Facebook

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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