There’s enough Gouda cheese in my suitcase to maintain two months of heavy snacking, and I’ve got loads of photos on my hard drive to occupy me over the next two days.

As you may have guessed, I’m wrapping up our Holland Photography Expedition with professional photographer Efrain Padro — which was a BLAST — and now I’m on my way to Paris for our Stock Photo Expedition with Lise Gagne and Shelly Perry.

In the last issue, I told you about my shoot list. I wanted to make sure to take photos of iconic things that say “Holland” while here. Iconic sells.

I haven’t tried submitting any of them to stock, yet, but I have a good store of Dutch dark chocolate in my suitcase, too, and I plan to break that out tonight and submit a few.

Here are a few samples of what I got… 

From the Keukenhof Gardens:

I tried to do another “isolated on white” tulip shot:


A few other iconic shots:

Bikes are all over the place, so I wanted to incorporate one into this twilight shot to make it more iconic.

And then this one’s a little different…

It was overcast when we went to see the centuries-old windmills at Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I was really looking forward to shooting this, so I decided to try to do what I did with the tulips, above, and use the white sky to create an “isolated on white” look.

I don’t know if stock sites will want this, so I’ll give it a try and let you know in the next issue.

P.S. I’m hearing from a lot of people who are having stock photo breakthroughs (see below)… getting their first images accepted and sold! I know it’s a thrill for you, but it’s a thrill for me to hear about, it, too!

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

Your Weekly Breakfast Dish 
The latest from your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page

From Julie Smith L’Heureux: I finally sat down and submitted 4 images to Bigstock. All were accepted. Two from monthly challenge and one from Phoenix – architecture shot. Now to keep uploading.

From Janice Sakata-Schultze: Wow… just went on to Dreamstime and saw that I had my first download! Hey, it’s a start… 🙂

From Tere Payne: Just had my 1st accepted image (Dreamstime). Happy, happy!

From Deborah Kolb: I am selling a number of Bridal Shotz and with June weddings, it makes sense. Now I am seeing Christmas sales!

From Chari Williams Paulson: The photo I submitted for the Challenge was just accepted along with two others!!! Can we say EXCITED!!!

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