“Mmm… raw chicken casserole is my favorite.” … said no one ever! Just as you should always bake your casseroles before you eat them, you should always process your photos before you sell them. Yesterday you saw the difference just one minute of processing can make for the look and saleability of your photos (if you missed that issue, read it here). That was easy enough, but what if you could process your photos with just ONE click and be done? Guess what: you can, using presets for Lightroom. For example, take a look at this cute kid. Unfortunately, the haziness of the photo doesn’t do his expression justice. But with one click I can transform it into a much more vibrant version:
Or a black-and-white version:
Or, if I want, a more edgy and creative version:
Now, for stock you typically want to go easy on the “creative” processing and instead choose the most realistic-looking color version you can find. But you can still use these presets for other kinds of processing. And, you can create your own custom one-click edits, too. Read more Lightroom and Photoshop editing tips here. Share on Facebook
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]