“I can see why you think this is addictive,” Stacey said when we started shooting on the steps near the Lincoln Memorial in downtown D.C. Stacey isn’t a stock photographer but she’s considering it after our photo shoot on Sunday.  We brought a model (Allison from our office).  Packed several different outfits for her to change into.  And hit the streets with our camera. In just two hours, we covered a lot of ground.  But by the second location, Stacey agreed that shooting for stock can be addictive. Here’s a photo of Allison running up the steps barefoot (barefoot running is the new thing these days)… Here’s her doing yoga and stretching… And here’s her actually on the Lincoln Memorial in more traditional business attire… Note: If we shoot on the Memorial during the D.C. stock photography workshop we’ll have to go early to avoid tourists if we want to include the monuments in the background… With stock, your creativity is endless.  You start by doing one thing and the next thing you know, you’ve got a half-dozen more ideas and you don’t want to stop. If you have some time this weekend, try setting up the following shoots and see where your creative mind takes you… ** Playing with a dog in your backyard – maybe you’re throwing a Frisbee or a stick.  Maybe he’s licking your face or tackling you.  Maybe you’re hugging him or he’s checking out a hole in the fence.  Use a tripod and a remote trigger if you can’t rope a family member into modeling for you. ** Eating breakfast – first make a fruit breakfast.  Then, add a bagel.  Then cut the bagel.  Then add cream cheese.  Then take a bite. Then add a cup of juice. If your photos don’t turn out the way you want them, the most common culprit is your light.  Try moving toward a window if you’re inside.  Or less light if you’re outside by moving your model to the shade. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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