What about you, where you are right now? We’ve talked about what CAN happen in the future if you submit photos to stock agencies every week… and we’ve talked about how much fun other stock photographers have… Now let’s talk about you, where you are right now. Can you really sell your photos as stock, starting now? Yes, you can. Is it going to happen automatically? No. You have to go through your photos, find the very best ones, and upload them yourself. A bunch of your fellow readers took The 30-Day Stock Success Program and did it in under 30 days. Here’s what they had to say: “Hurrah and high praise for the 30 Day Stock Success Program! It really was the “kick-in-the-pants” that I needed! I just received my first approvals from Big Stock — 5 out of 10 submitted (in less than 5 days)! Thanks Bonnie for putting together a great course! This is not rocket science, but knowing what the agencies are looking for is critical. The 30 Day Stock Success Program has made all the difference! Thanks big time!” — Rick Bauer ***  “Bonnie, I just wanted to thank you for putting together the 30 Day Stock Success Program. I followed it pretty much to the letter this month, and now I have pictures accepted at Bigstock and Fotolia. It was the motivation I needed to get going and keep going with my stock photography. Once again, thanks so much!” — Janice Sakata-Schultze *** “I’ve been watching the 30 Day Stock Success Program. It is terrific!!!! I really wish it had been around when I was getting started! You should have a lot of successful stock photographers after they watch this program! I’m going to watch it all, myself. It never hurts to keep learning!!!” — Caroline Maryan ***  “Just a note to thank you for the excellent 30-day Program of Stock Photography! The step-by-step instructions were easy to follow, and the procedures for downloading images to stock agencies made the process quite simple.  “I have now received e-mails with the following great news… Bigstock has accepted two images, Fotolia and Dreamstime have each accepted an image! This was my very first time to submit images to any stock agency, and I can hardly wait to prepare for more submissions.  “Thank you for the photography tips, motivation, and as you say, ‘a kick in the pants’ to just begin to do it. I strongly recommend your program to others.” — Kenneth A.B. *** “After signing up for the online course, I went from being on one agency to five agencies with over 30 pictures up now between the five. I’ve sold two just in the last week. Long way to go but a great start. Great course, Bonnie!” — Shaun Sanders *** None of these folks had any formal training in photography. They just followed the videos, then got out there and started doing it. Whether you pick up and follow along with the videos, or you take the time to figure it out for yourself, you’ve got nothing to lose. If you want it, go get it. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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