Awhile back, I asked readers to share their experiences with stock photography in our annual Breakfast Stock Club survey.

Since then, so many readers have shared their accomplishments with me. I find it inspiring, so I thought you might, too.   

When you’re plugging away at big goals, it’s helpful to take a little break and look back at how far you’ve come.

So without further ado, I’d like to highlight some of my favorite stories that came in:

From Kim Nelson: I just started this past year and my goal was to learn how stock worked by submitting and getting accepted at three agencies. I added a new goal in 2015 of reaching 100 accepted submissions on Shutterstock, which I have now reached. This has been my best-selling image by far:

Barbell with black and red weight plates

From Amy Muschik: I had lots of small achievements this past year:

  1. Finding one of my photos used by Disney on their site.
  2. One of my photos used in nationally syndicated newspapers across the country.
  3. Having photos sell every single day of the year!
  4. Making more money than last year.

I am totally amazed when I think about how far I have come since that first workshop when I barely knew how to change the f-stop or shutter speed on my camera, nor why I would want to. Here is the photo that was licensed by Disney:


From Ann Moore: I bought my camera last December and have been obsessed ever since- love it! Just started with stock this year and got 400 photos accepted at 4 agencies. Every time I sell a photo I get such a thrill. This is one of my best selling photos so far:

fire heating up air as hot air balloon rises in the air

From Katrina Trninich: I sold a rights managed photo of my cat at Alamy for $1,300 (which ended up as a $650 commission to me). Of my newly submitted images, this one was accepted in August and has already sold 56 times at Shutterstock:


From John CumbowI received my first payout this year- then received two more! I was also accepted by iStock. I had tried a couple of times a few years ago and didn’t make the cut. But this past year when one of my friends told me she had been accepted by iStock, I decided to try again and was immediately accepted. So far, my acceptance rate on the site (and the number of sales I’ve made) has been higher than on any of the other sites where I sell photos. I’m so glad my friend spurred me into action.

One of my best selling images across several stock sites was this one of burlap-balled trees ready for spring planting:

Burlap-balled trees ready for planting

Enthusiasm is contagious, so thank you for inspiring me!

If you have a success story to share, head on over to the Breakfast Stock Club Facebook Page. Let’s encourage and support each other in our photographic endeavors!

Editor’s Note: Learn more about getting started selling your photos online in stock agencies – no matter how much or little photography experience you have – in the Breakfast Stock Club e-newsletter. It’s once a week, and it’s free to join, here.

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