With over 3,200 sales on a stock site, what do you think makes this photo so successful? While there are a lot of things about this photo that make it saleable, one of the main reasons it’s selling is because it’s a photo of active, happy seniors. Photos of active seniors are in high demand right now. If you’re a baby boomer — or you have family or friends who are — look for opportunities to take photos out-and-about. As I mentioned on Tuesday, stock sites are looking for photos of “real” people, so you don’t need to look like a model to be a great stock photo subject. Here are a few tips for photographing baby boomers for stock:

  1. Make sure the people in the photo are engaging with each other or the camera…
  2. Be sure their faces are in sharp focus…
  3. Scan the scene and be sure there are no visible logos. (Notice in the photo above, the two people are dressed in a simple, smart-casual style, with solid colors — no Polo emblems on their shirt pockets and no Nike swooshes on their shoes.)

You will also need model releases to sell photos that have recognizable people in them. If you have a good shot of people you know, ask if they’re willing to sign releases for you. Right now is a great time to take photos of family and friends while you’re getting together over the holidays. I’ll give you a few tips for turning people photos into stock shots tomorrow. Stay tuned! And remember — it’s not necessarily a matter of talent or training when it comes to selling your pictures for spare income. Stock agencies require technically perfect photos but not all markets require the same precision. And even if you’re not 100% sure how to work your camera, how to create good photos, or where to sell them, there are tricks you can use to “fake it till you make it.” [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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