Yesterday, I sent you a list of stock photos that sell well, right now, from one of the stock photo industry’s top sellers, Lise Gagne.

Lise told me that there’s another kind of image that sells very well.

Part of her success, she says, comes from the time she spends reading magazines and noticing current style, keeping up with news and current events, watching television ads for trends, and generally keeping abreast of what’s happening here and now in culture.

Lise does this because designers are constantly in need of images with contemporary social relevance.

Here’s what she told me…

“Another kind of seasonal image subject that sells is contemporary social relevance.  Contemporary social relevance images are a good niche for stock. If you are able to illustrate these subjects well, they are very good sellers.

“However, they will only sell well while the subject is still relevant in the news and media. For this subject, be curious, be on the lookout for national and international news, and follow the trends.”

Some of today’s trends include:

** Environmental issues
** Green living
** Recycling
** Government elections
** Strikes/protests
** Health issues in the news
** Advances in technology
** Social media
** Health and diet fads
** Natural disasters
** Military
** Money and the economy
** Slow food
** Organic food
** Local shopping and eating
** Etc.

Contemporary socially relevant images can range from literal to conceptual. Take these two images below, for example…

This image likely sold well during the height of U.S. political protesting…

This image, of kids recycling, is a literal interpretation of recycling, green living, taking care of the planet, etc.

This one, of hands holding a plant, conveys the same topic in a more conceptual way.

Both images sell well, with over 500 downloads and over 3,000 downloads, consecutively. Conceptual images tend to sell better than literal ones, since they usually have more interpretations, and thus designers can use them in a wider variety of ways.

Master the current social relevance photo and you’ll be well on your way to making a nice income as a stock photographer.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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