
*** Turn Your Pictures into Postcards
*** Practical Writing Prompt of the Week:

Dear Reader,

I’ll never buy another postcard again.

The United States Postal Service has a cool feature you might not know about…

If you go to:, you can upload a picture and they’ll create, print, and mail a postcard for you.

I used to use this service a lot when I lived in Paris. It allowed me to make postcards out of my own pictures as well as avoid the international postage rates. For a premium postcard, it’s only $.84.

If you have a travel tip to share, send it to The Travel Post Monthly, where the editors are looking for exactly that sort of thing… and more. You’ll find the guidelines here:

Have a great weekend,

— Lori
Lori Appling
Director, Great Escape Publishing

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


Today’s writing prompt is really a pre-writing prompt…

Take some time this weekend to check out your local tourist board or chamber of commerce. Pick up brochures. Chat with the folks behind the desk. And see if you can unearth something on offer that you didn’t know anything about beforehand.

Tomorrow I’m going to send you an article from our archives — Five Tips for Smart Digging: How to Do Article Research by Jennifer Stevens.

And then next week we’ll work on turning the information you find into saleable travel articles.

Stay tuned…

Dear Lori and Wendy:

I took your advice to start submitting travel articles to the local paper, and today I actually see my name in print–by Contributing Travel Writer Debi Lander.

I am attaching the short article I sent to the local monthly Mandarin NewsLine. They printed it in my area and also in their affiliated Palm Coast newspaper.

After it was accepted, I notified the editor that I would going to the historical society’s candlelight tour and taking photos. They asked me to write up another article. This time I’ll push to have a photo published as well.

After a long slow start– I think I am on my way. I have an interview arranged with the PR department at Mount Vernon next month- when I am in the VA/DC area.

Debi Lander
Jacksonville, FL

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