It’s Day Two of your Week of Motivation, so here’s today’s little kick in the butt…

I want you to look at your calendar for the week. Right now.  If it’s in the other room or you need to pull it up on your computer, go ahead. (I’ll wait).

Got it? Now pick a day where you have two free hours and write “GET STARTED” in big block letters. 

The people who write in to tell us about their success are everyday folks from a variety of careers and backgrounds who just decided to go for it. They found time to get started with photography, and you can too.

Today, I’d like you to meet Colleen Bessel and Wayne Hoover – two fellow readers who are loving the income from their fine art photo sales… and have a few valuable tips to share with you on getting started…

Photo Success Case Study #3: Colleen Bessel


Professional Background: Corporate Executive
Photo Market: Fine Art 

Fine Art Website:

What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

Through photography, I have made new friends and traveled the world while constantly improving my skills. I have been to China, Thailand, Europe, India, Peru and many places in Canada and the United States. And, this fall, I will be traveling to Africa. I have learned so much along the way and have so much more to learn.

I also sell photos as fine art through local galleries and markets. I make a little money which helps pay for the travel.

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

get started with photography

I like to take photos and turn them into “Photo Art” using a couple of different methods. I sold a 5×7 matted image of this one, titled Red Kayak, at a local craft market on the weekend. 

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Take your camera with you everywhere and shoot pictures of everything. As your skills get better and you fall in love with photography, you’ll find your niche and the doors will open.

Photo Success Case Study #4: Wayne Hoover

Wayne Hoover

Professional Background: Interior Design Business

Photo Market: Fine Art – Website 

What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

The most important way is the added income stream.  Also, I now have something special to present to people that are looking for a meaningful piece of art in their home or business. The pursuit of this passion has also led me to make new friends around the globe that share the same interests. If I had NOT decided to follow my dreams, then I would not have shot such amazing places such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Istanbul, Tanzania, Paris, and Iceland.  

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?


This Manchester Farm photo from here in Lexington, KY is the featured piece of a 10-image set that will be hung in a new optometrist’s office. The entire collection sold for $2,000, but this particular image (enlarged and framed to be 3′ X 4′) was priced at $400.

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Life is too short to wait or procrastinate!  The clock is ticking and your future is staring you in the face… if you get started today, where could you be in a year or two?  If you don’t get started, you know where you will be don’t you?  The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Remember this: FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real!

For more, read Case Studies #5 and #6.

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Profit From Your Photos: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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