We got such an overwhelming response to yesterday’s video, it’s heartwarming.

The truth is, I think travel is such an important part of living that it’s worth fighting for.

If more people traveled, there’d be less war.  I truly believe that.

Everywhere we go there’s something different to learn. And some things that just don’t change.  No matter how far we get away from home, we’ll still find people that love each other… people helping one another in times of need… and people eager to understand you just as much as you want to understand them.

These thoughts and ideas aren’t new.  In fact, we’re in business today because 60,000 other readers agree.  That’s how many people receive this newsletter every day.

You signed up to hear more about traveling and how to see the world as a travel writer or a photographer.  And, each week, I do my best to give you that, along with other resources like travel blogging and cruising for free that can help you get farther, faster, too.

I think Bonnie says it best in this video I recorded in Curacao last month…

If you’re looking for a way to travel and see the world… a way to do something unconventional and creative, stay tuned.

We’re changing our name this month to Great Escape Publishing.  We’re no longer the Travel Division at The American Writers & Artists Inc.  But we’re not changing our mission.

We’re still out to find those creative types trapped in a desk job… to find those retirees (or soon to be retirees) bored with golf and museum-hopping, looking for a way to travel that means something to them and the people around them… to find those photographers and writers who want to use their skills in a fun, creative way…

… and give them the tools they need to make it happen.

So, stay tuned for more opportunities to travel the world, doing something fun to pay for your trips.

And if you have a story to share, share a few details with me below.  I’d like to start profiling some of our members on our website.  Tell me who you are… why you’re drawn to travel… and what attracts you most to travel writing, photography, import/export, tours or blogging.

I’d love to hear from you.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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