Being able to create a video on your travels can boost your income...Saying the teensy tiny simple little word “yes” started me down my travel writer’s path. Since then, “yes” along with “try” have become my two favorite words. They motivate me, excite me, and have blessed my life with too many amazing new adventures to count.

Because of them, my life has completely changed, expanded, and been enriched through learning new skills and discovering new talents.

It all started while laying on a beach in Bali…

On my first holiday in over a decade, I finally had time to relax and think. I thought about work, life, and where I was headed. I loved my job in the Navy, but was exhausted.

So, laying there on that white-sand beach overlooking the Bali Sea dreaming of what my dream life could be, the desire to change grew stronger by the hour.

That is when fate stepped in. A small ding sent the answers to my questions right to my phone in one email: How to become a travel writer.

It was simple. It could fill my life with exotic places, colorful cultures, and amazing food. If I just said my two favorite little words “yes” and then “try.”

Could I change my life? Yes.

Could I learn how to become a writer? Yes, I could try. After all, what did I have to lose? Nothing.

If it didn’t work out, there was nothing lost. I would be exactly where I already was. No harm done.

But if it did work out, then my dream was within reach. Freedom to travel and experience amazing adventures. Like helmet diving in the Caribbean. Laughing, whizzing through the jungle canopy on Latin America’s longest zip line. Yes, that is what I craved. Freedom. Travel. Life.

Saying yes has allowed me to do all these things and live my dream travel writer’s life.

However, there was so much more than just writing. Other skills and talents have emerged along the way. Photography. Videography. Interviewing skills. Learning a new language. These are just a few skills that have now enriched my life since starting out as a travel writer.

First it was photography. Photos are the perfect accompaniment to articles. Could I learn how to use my camera and take photos? Yes. 

Good photos? If I try. There are hundreds of YouTube videos teaching you everything you need to know about your type of camera in less than 10 minutes. All I had to do was watch and try.

Was it easy? Sometimes it was frustrating. There were some blurry blotches and fuzzy shots… but it was fun, so I didn’t mind one bit.

I fell in love with photography and now my images sell as stock, with my articles, and have been published in books. Now I live a photographer’s life as well.

Capturing destinations, their culture, history, architecture, and people has also enriched my travel experiences. Plus, it has the added bonus of helping me come up with article ideas when I return home.

Next came video.

Could I create a video? Yes. Anyone can. Everyone can.

Would it be good enough to sell? I could try. The Travel Videos for Profit course would teach me. All I had to do was try. It turns out it’s super fun and a lot easier than I thought. My friends even join in as extras.

So, by just saying “yes” and not being afraid to “try,” I’m living my travel writer’s, photographer’s and videographer’s life.

Now my only wish is to become an octopus so I have enough arms to take notes for articles, shoot video, and take photos all at the same time!

To get started, I recommend…

1. Say yes.
2. Try.
3. Try Tom Reismann’s Travel Videos for Profit program. It’s a lot of fun and you can start with the camera you already carry in your pocket (your smartphone).

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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