How To Stage A Stock Photo Shoot That Looks Real

Bonnie here, again, coming to you with another stock photo tip from our Provence Stock Photo Workshop. After leaving our Mediterranean villas, we drove out to a chateau and vineyard deep in the French countryside. It was nothing short of amazing, and we had the whole...

How To Get Photos Accepted As Stock

Last week, I came back from the South of France, where I was with 10 of your fellow readers and iStock legend, Lise Gagne. We spent a week learning how to shoot stock photos in the streets of Saint-Tropez, from our villas above the Mediterranean, and from a chateau...

Trendy vs. Timeless Stock Photos

When it comes to creating stock photos, there’s basically two schools of thought: Trendy vs. Timeless. The first approach is to keep on top of popular trends in the advertising world; to create photos that look modern and current. Shots like these: Photos that feature...

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