Your Fall Stock Photo Checklist

Your Fall Stock Photo Checklist

Fall is here, and its arrival brings loads of new and lucrative stock photo subjects. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of these lovely fall days before they disappear: Photograph the festivities. Apple pressing, hayrides, Halloween costumes, pumpkin...
Three Ways To Get Creative Action Photos

Three Ways To Get Creative Action Photos

Last week, we looked at three camera tips for capturing action photos. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Simply capturing action at all is exhilarating… but let’s take a look at what happens when we combine action with creative tricks… 1. Freezing....

Getting Ahead In The Stock Photography Game

With fall knocking on our door, we’re entering one of the busiest buying seasons for stock photography. And although it might seem early, one of the most popular keyword searches on Dreamstime for the month of August was the word “Christmas.” This is the time of year...

How to Work the Shot in Photography

How to Work the Shot in Photography…   Some of my favorite photos – and truly, my most successful stock shots – are the result of experimenting. Trying different angles. Finding new light. Practicing creative camera functions… Occasionally scaring...

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