Five Reasons To Get Started With Stock Photography

We’ve had a flurry of newcomers to the Breakfast Stock Club recently – welcome! Whether you’ve been with us for a while, or you’re brand-spankin’-new, you know that stock photography is all about selling photos. But you’ll never sell a thing if you never actually...

Your Summer Stock Photo Success Plan

Stock photography is a numbers game. The more photos you have in your portfolio, the more potential income you can make. If you only have 20 images on a site, the odds of selling much are low. They say you really start to see sales once you hit the 300 mark. And while...
Staying Young Is A Choice—This Is How To Do It…

Staying Young Is A Choice—This Is How To Do It…

I’ve been inspired lately by the book: “Younger Next Year,” by a doctor who specializes in health and aging… and his “guinea pig” patient. The basic premise is that 70% of aging is a choice. And staying young all comes down to staying active. The two authors...

Try This For Better Stock Photo Success In 2017

Happy summer, and welcome to the half-way point of 2017! It’s the perfect time to look back at our goals, decide if they’re still what we want, and refocus. In January, I made some vague stock photo goals for 2017: Build a stock portfolio on Alamy Get published in a...

What’s Selling As Stock Photography?

One of the best parts about stock photography is that you can photograph whatever you want—there’s no one telling you what you have to shoot. And while it’s great to have that kind of creative freedom, sometimes it can be tough to know where to start. Rather than...

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