Transform Your Photos With Easy Processing In Lightroom

Transform Your Photos With Easy Processing In Lightroom

Who will buy this photo? No one, that’s who! It’s rare to see the Peruvian Andes (where I took this) on such a clear day… but the photo itself is dark, gray, dull, and boring. But how about this one: This is the exact same photo after a few minutes of processing...

Avoid The Biggest Reason For Stock Photo Rejections

If there’s one deal breaker in stock photography, here it is: missing focus. Submitting a photo to your stock agency that isn’t sharp is a sure way to get your image rejected. Luckily, there’s an easy way to avoid this – zoom in to 100% to check. When you view a small...

When To Use A Telephoto Lens

Check out these two photos: Although these shots were taken in the same tulip field, they are very different images. This is the power of changing your lens. The photo on the left was taken with a wide angle lens and the photo on the right was taken with a telephoto....

Reader Success With Alamy

Last month I told you that I recently became a contributor at Alamy. You can catch up on the details of Alamy in that issue, here. Although I’m still working on building up my portfolio there, your fellow reader, Colleen Bessel, is much further along in the process....

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