The Best Color To Photograph For Stock This Year

The Best Color To Photograph For Stock This Year

Every year, the world’s experts on color at the Pantone Color Institute designate a “color of the year” which, believe it or not, drives loads of trends in design, décor, fashion, and more. This year’s official Pantone Color of the Year is called: Greenery … and...

Five Common Reasons For Stock Photo Rejections

One thing that every stock photographer has in common is rejections. No matter how good of a photographer you are, sometimes submissions will get kicked back. It just goes with the territory when it comes to stock photography. Although the word ‘rejection’ sounds...

Shutterstock: Now Easier For Beginners!

This week I want to highlight one of my personal favorite stock photo agencies – Shutterstock. This is my highest earning stock photo site and I consistently hear that it does well for other stock photographers, too. Here are a few photos that sold for me just...
Readers’ best-selling stock photos of 2016

Readers’ best-selling stock photos of 2016

Do people make a full-time living with stock photography, anymore? In truth, it’s rare. And it really takes a lot of time. But you CAN still make a fun, passive side-income doing this. And this week, I want to share some Breakfast Stock Club readers’ best-selling...

Getting Started With Stock Photography – Part 3

Perhaps the biggest challenge with stock photography is simply getting started. Which is why, for the past couple of weeks, we’ve been walking through the process, step by step. Breaking it down into 20-minute tasks you can do once a day, or even once a week. If you...

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