Getting Started With Stock Photography – Part 2

Getting Started With Stock Photography – Part 2

Last week we looked at my top three picks for stock photography agencies that make it easy to get started selling your photos right away. (If you missed that issue, you can catch up here.) Now it’s time for the second step in our Getting Started series: Gathering your...

Getting Started With Stock Photography – Part 1

Getting started with stock photography might seem like a big, daunting project. But it doesn’t have to be! For the next three weeks, I’m going to walk you through it, breaking everything down into small, doable steps. Even if you can only devote 20 minutes to an hour...

Results are in! 2016 Breakfast Stock Club Reader Survey

Dear Sarah, A big THANKS to everyone who filled out our Breakfast Stock Club reader survey for 2016. This is a great tool for all of us to share: Which agencies are working best… Where we’re succeeding… The most common struggles we’re having. The ONE...

Take Better Photos With This Pro Tip

How do you smoke a Cuban cigar? Start with rum, of course! Bonnie, here, coming to you on Day Three of our Cuba photo expedition, where we’re learning how to enjoy and photograph true Cuban pleasures… coffee, rum, music, and cigars. Most of us don’t...
Your Holiday Stock Photo Challenge

Your Holiday Stock Photo Challenge

This month’s Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenge is “Get Geometric,” and the idea is to spot and capture shapes in your photos. Even if you’re not a Premium member, you can still go out and photograph shapes for stock. Here are a few examples to get you started:...

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