Your Next Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprint Theme Is Here!

It’s the 2nd month of our Summer Sprints Stock Photo Challenge – which means it’s time to re-focus and get ready to take 100 new photos for this month’s theme: Connectivity. For this theme, think: Connecting with friends and family members Staying digitally connected...

Do You Fear Stock Photo Rejection?

I hope that you’re taking and uploading a ton of new shots during our Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints stock photo challenges! If you’re scared to submit them… or you’re getting some photos rejected, remember… it happens to everyone. Here’s a note I...

Lessons From Her First $10k In Stock Photo Sales

The key to stock photo success? The truth is, there is no magic formula or silver bullet out there. It’s really about plugging away, little-by-little, learning and improving as you go. Which is actually great if you’re busy, because you really just need a few minutes...
Five Stock Photos You Can Take This Weekend

Five Stock Photos You Can Take This Weekend

This month’s Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints Challenge is all about capturing fun, healthy activities. Whether it’s going for a jog, working in the garden, or exploring a nearby park, summer is the perfect time to create some great “active lifestyle” images to add...

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