Four Photographers Share How They Got The Shot

When you’re learning photography techniques, it’s helpful to know what settings other photographers used to get their shots. Not everyone wants to share that information… But around here, we’re all about sharing and doing everything we can to help you learn!...

Improve Photo Quality For Stock By Downsizing

Stock agencies need near-perfect photos, with little-to-no noise, compression, or focus issues. Even the very best photographers encounter all of these issues in their images now and then. The way around it? Downsizing. Now, this doesn’t work on every image. But if...

Have A Rejected Stock Photo? Let’s See It.

One of the scariest things when you’re starting out with stock photography is the idea of your images getting rejected. It sounds so stern and final. But the truth is, many ‘rejected’ photos can actually be re-submitted and turned into great sellers with just a minor...

Rejected Stock Photos? Don’t Let It Stop You!

If you’ve started signing up for stock agencies and submitting photos, be prepared for a few of those photos to get rejected. The first time I submitted photos to a stock agency, they got rejected for being “too similar in content or subject matter.” It wasn’t a big...
Taking Advantage Of Natural Light In Photography

Taking Advantage Of Natural Light In Photography

Back when I was shooting with studio lights, my living room would go for days (ok, weeks…) cluttered with light stands, cords, a background, reflectors, and a stool.  Anyone who came through the front door had to run the gauntlet, risking the possibility that...

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