How Posting Google Reviews Helped Land Me Photography Jobs

How Posting Google Reviews Helped Land Me Photography Jobs

Value adding is one way to build your writing and photography portfolio, land more jobs, and get asked back time and again. It is easy to do with simple little add-ons like doing reviews and posting where you are on social media. For very little work it helps you grow...
Use Your Holiday Snaps to Spark Article Ideas

Use Your Holiday Snaps to Spark Article Ideas

What do you see in this photo? You probably see friends celebrating right? Perhaps a birthday, promotion or other special occasion. 

But I see so much more. Such as these potential travel article ideas: • Great Places to Catch Up with Friends in … • A Hidden Gem in...

3 Quick Tips To Help You Live Your Dream Life

I remember the exact moment I knew I would become a travel writer. Laying on a beach in Bali enjoying my first holiday in over a decade, a small “ding” signaled the arrival of an email. It changed my life. The past five years in the Navy had been a blur, and,...

How I Landed My First Video Gig As A New Videographer

For me, as a travel writer and photography lover, adding movement to my images seemed like the next logical step. So, upon receiving an email offering the Travel Videos for Profit course, I was intrigued. I wanted to learn how to make videos, but having no idea what I...

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