3 Easy Tricks For Taking Photos That Will Sell

3 Easy Tricks For Taking Photos That Will Sell

We all carry our cell phones around all day, every day. So why not make it work for you? If you’re anything like me, once or twice you may have found yourself looking at something and thinking, “Gee, I wish I’d brought my camera.” Great saleable shots are everywhere....

A Travel Writer’s 3 Tips For A Better Work/Life Balance

In the nearly two years since attending the 2017 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, I’ve become more determined than ever to thrive, travel, and experience life to a fuller degree—all while having a better work/life balance.  Once I started writing, I realized how...

4 Ways Becoming A Travel Writer Has Changed My Life

Being a free spirit, sometimes I felt trapped in the Navy. I had always dreamed of becoming a travel writer like those lucky people you read about that live in exotic locations on Caribbean islands, near golden temples in Asia or in the Tuscan countryside. You know...

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