3 Tips To Get Started As A Money-Making Videographer

Today, I’m sitting on the end of a dock entranced by the ripples created by the comfortable breeze and the bright sunshine. Over my shoulder in the western sky, late summer thunderheads are building and white egrets are shrimping. This setting makes me think of a...

7 Ways Travel Writing Has Helped My Photography Career

I will arrive to class on time. I will arrive to class on time. I will arrive to class on time. A hundred times. Whew. As a kid, school and the homework that came along with it were never atop my priority list. Surfing, and girls — they were. But now that I’m an...

4 Secrets To Becoming A Successful Photographer

Imagine living the life you’ve always dreamed about. Is it full-time globetrotting with the excitement of what’s around the next corner, living abroad while enjoying new cultures, secluded beaches and fresh food, or more of your favorite hobbies while living in a...
3 Ways To Get Started Volunteering As A Photographer

3 Ways To Get Started Volunteering As A Photographer

Frost had accumulated on the inside of the car windows overnight, creating an abstract view of the pastel sunrise. Warmth seeped out of my sleeping bag as I reached for my camera. Brrrrr. I knew it was time to get up and shoot… but all I could think was: COFFEE....
Using Your Camera To Become A Brand Ambassador

Using Your Camera To Become A Brand Ambassador

Nervously, I watched as the horizon of mountains and sky left my sight, while the canyon walls grew taller. My thoughts went back to just an hour earlier as we stood on the airstrip stuffing the last beverages and chocolate into the cargo hold. The pilot did the math...

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