My Keys To Success In Special Event Photography

My Keys To Success In Special Event Photography

When I made the decision to become a professional photographer, special events were the last thing I wanted to do. Photographing such an important event as a wedding seemed way too daunting, stressful, and risky. So, in the beginning I focused on family portraits and...

Making A Six-Figure Income As A (Shy) Photographer

I’ve always been on the shy, quiet side. You know, the little girl who hid behind her mother when faced with meeting someone new. I was totally that kid! As I got older, I learned to “act as if,” but deep down, I was still that shy little girl. Growing up a baby...

How Lightroom Can Help You Add Warmth To Dull Images

When I first began photographing family portraits, I wondered how the professionals made their portraits “pop.” What did they do to give their pictures that professional polish? When my photos came out of the camera, they seemed a bit dull and lifeless. Then I...

Become A Six-Figure Photographer With These 8 Steps

If you’d have asked me 11 years ago, “Can you make six figures as a full-time photographer?” I would have answered, “No way!”  Back then, I was a single parent with a little point-and-shoot camera. But what I did have going for me was creativity, a willingness to...

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