How Writers Build Successful Working Relationships

In the movies, writers are often portrayed as lonely figures hunched over a typewriter or keyboard in a dimly lit room, banging away at the keys until an article or chapter of their novel is finished just minutes before a deadline. The truth is, writing is a team...

Writing About Travel – From Dream To Reality

When I was 13 years old, I already knew I wanted to be a writer. However, for the next 40 years, I let fear and self-doubt hold me back. I never stopped thinking about writing, but I never sent out queries or submitted my work. I threw almost everything away because I...

Getting Published In Print Magazines As A New Writer

Before I found GEP, when I first tried to get my writing published, I approached hard copy magazines because I believed they would pay more. I had no experience at all and didn’t know what else to do—and I just assumed that online publications would be equally...

Finding The Confidence To Become A Published Writer

At 12 years old, I pictured myself as a published writer, pushing through adoring fans at book signings and appearing on TV shows, sharing my wisdom with young Chuck Warren wannabes. Then, I spent the next four decades doing absolutely nothing to accomplish that goal....

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