6 Reasons I Love My Alternative Retirement

When I first retired from teaching public school music, I relished days filled by long lunches with friends, afternoons spent leisurely reading Southern Living while sipping sweet tea, then preparing a nice dinner for my Silver Fox (a.k.a. my husband of 47 years). But...

3 Tips For Customizing Your Own Travel Writing Career

Since I launched my travel writing career two and a half years ago at the three-day Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, our family added grandchild #13, my siblings and I became caregivers for our father until he passed away, and I had major surgery. We sold our house,...

You might be a travel writing foodie if…

You might be a foodie if you calculate the length of a trip based on the number of meals you want to have in great restaurants… If you devour cookbooks with as much concentration as a best-selling thriller… If your favorite store in the mall stocks kitchen gadgets and...

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