by Connie Pearson | May 2, 2019
On a press trip a few weeks ago, I looked around the room and saw only fellow travel writers and bloggers—people who share a similar drive, curiosity, and purpose. These were kindred spirits who want to capture great photos, search for the hidden stories, experience... by Connie Pearson | Sep 7, 2018
When I first retired from teaching public school music, I relished days filled by long lunches with friends, afternoons spent leisurely reading Southern Living while sipping sweet tea, then preparing a nice dinner for my Silver Fox (a.k.a. my husband of 47 years). But... by Connie Pearson | Jul 13, 2018
I live in Hartselle, Alabama, population 14,471. It’s just off the interstate that runs the length of Alabama. But except for the annual Depot Days Festival in September, and the fact that our girls’ high school softball team recently won the state championship, few... by Connie Pearson | Jun 10, 2018
Since I launched my travel writing career two and a half years ago at the three-day Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, our family added grandchild #13, my siblings and I became caregivers for our father until he passed away, and I had major surgery. We sold our house,... by Connie Pearson | Jul 29, 2017
You might be a foodie if you calculate the length of a trip based on the number of meals you want to have in great restaurants… If you devour cookbooks with as much concentration as a best-selling thriller… If your favorite store in the mall stocks kitchen gadgets and...