A Pro Guide To Editing Photos For Sale

A Pro Guide To Editing Photos For Sale

Editing a photo might seem overwhelming, especially after coming back from a trip – there are often thousands of images to go through.  But with the help of software like Lightroom, and following through a few easy steps, you can make it easier to browse your photos...
No More Amateur Mistakes: Take Photos Like A Pro

No More Amateur Mistakes: Take Photos Like A Pro

In this digital era, we have all become photographers. Whether it’s the DSLR in our backpack, the mirrorless around our neck, or even the phone in our pockets, we all have cameras available anytime to snap our photos. But with so many images available, it’s becoming...
Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Lori calls me the master of light but that’s exactly what all photographers are really.  They’re light manipulators and the best ones are called pros. If you can learn how to manipulate light, you’ll set yourself apart, too.  And here’s a great way to start… Creating...

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