How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos

How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos

As I’ve been working to increase my stock photo portfolios this year, I thought I would look over some of my old photos to see if there were any I could add. When I finally got around to it, I couldn’t believe how much potential stock I had just sitting on my hard...

4 Tips For Selling Travel Photos As Stock

Leading a nomadic life since my husband retired in 2015, I’m lucky that I get to photograph all sorts of exotic locations for my stock portfolios. It’s a passion that keeps me happily engaged all day, every day, and it helps pay for our travels. However, when I first...

5 Tips For Getting The Best Out Of Event Photography

Recently I’ve earned nearly $900 in just two and a half months with my stock images (mostly from event photography) and all because I was in the right place at the right time. I was staying with my daughter in Abu Dhabi when the Louvre Museum (a collaborative project...

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