Best Photo Gear 2015

Lousy photos can be created with great cameras and great photos can be created with lousy cameras. The trick is good composition, finding or creating good light and then, in a photo editing program like Adobe Lightroom, processing and editing your photos for sale. The...

Is this good or bad light?

Welcome to the second week of our Back to Basics series. If you missed last week’s article, on better composition for stock, you’ll find it here. Today, let’s take a look at another extremely important aspect of any saleable stock photograph: light. Light is one of...

Three Rules for Photos that Sell

How did your stock photography do in 2014? Take the BSC year-end survey here. Last issue, I mentioned that this month we’re going “Back to Basics” to make sure we’re taking SALEABLE stock photos at the beginning of the year… so we can...

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