How to Make the Most Out of a Single Destination

Many years ago, a longtime magazine editor gave me some advice that proved to be unquestionably valuable. “A place is not an idea, he told me, but a place can serve up multiple ideas.” It’s helped me improve as a writer (more focus equals a better...

How to Leverage Your Smartphone to Improve Your Articles

Recently I spent a long weekend in Madison, Connecticut, a shoreline town that I’m profiling for an upcoming issue of my publication, Yankee Magazine. In the old days of gathering notes for a story, I would have had my trusted notebook, some good pens, and maybe a...

3 Tips (Straight From A Travel Editor) For Starting Your Story

Maybe this sounds familiar. You’ve just returned from an awesome trip, you’ve taken great notes, you’re all set to write and then…nothing. You stare and stare and stare at the computer screen, waiting for those magnificent words to just start flowing, but something...

6 Types Of Travel Article That Sell Best

As an editor, one thing I try to hammer home with new writers is that a story can take many different formats. There’s no one-size-fits-all, and that can be freeing. Just thinking of how to present a story differently can turn a marginal idea into a great one. The...

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