The Value Of Networking Opportunities For Travel Writers

When people ask me what I did to launch my writing career into a successful and rewarding experience… one thing always pops into my mind: the power of relationships! In 2014, I made the decision to become a travel writer and I bought GEP’s online course. It had all...

How To Get Your First Byline As A Paid Travel Writer

Getting that first byline is something that has a wonderful impact. It’s something you never forget. 

My first byline came in a prominent and respected regional magazine which made it all that much sweeter. I have to say, the reason I was able to land this awesome...

Taking Drone Photos To Enhance Your Travel Stories

Drones, also known as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), have exploded onto the scene in the last several years. Not long ago, drones were only used by the military and the average person could neither afford nor navigate one. But as the technology got better and...

Tips For Pitching To Print Magazines (That Pay For Stories)

Thanks to the internet, it’s a whole lot easier to get a byline these days relative to just a few short years ago. Literally thousands of websites, blogs, online magazines, and other outlets are looking for great content.  But here’s the thing: There are also...

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