How To Succeed In Pitching A Travel Story Idea

Skipping Machu Picchu to find potatoes in Peru… the rudest cities in America… and a mountain-biking excursion with a pro basketball star…  Those are just three of the not-so-everyday stories I’ve read in the last few days. They have nothing in common...

Travel Writing Tip: Drawing Readers In To Your Story

When new writers sit down to tap out a story, many turn to “the question” as a way to begin telling it. For example: • Have you ever wanted to ski in the summer? • Need a break from the sun and sand while visiting South Florida? • With seven hours before our flight,...

How to write a travel article: keep it practical

In recent days, I’ve been on a pilgrimage to the holy waters of Lourdes, France… taken a wild ride through Albania… and gone in search of the perfect cup of tea in Darjeeling… vicariously, that is… I refer to three travel articles bearing witness to the fact that it...

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