3 Real–World Stock Secrets

Dusty… sun soaked… and iconically western. We trekked to the Bonanza Creek Ranch this morning, 20 minutes outside of Santa Fe, for a western-themed photo shoot –- and some amazing on-the-ground training in how to take images to sell as stock photos. (I’ll show you a...

How to Ask for a Model Release

New FREE Report Series from the Ultimate Stock Photography Workshop: Day 1 — How to Ask for a Model Release “OK, but HOW to ask for a model release — that’s what I want to know” We’re exactly three hours into the first day of our...

Travel Writing Tools: Classic Series – Issue #3

Dear Reader, We’ve been talking a lot about stock photography this week. So, for a little change, here’s a classic article from freelance writer Jennifer Stevens on three dirt-cheap travel writing tools you should never leave home without. — Bonnie Bonnie Caton...

How Realistic is This, Honestly?

Dear Reader, Jen Stevens here again today as your guest editor. I’m sitting in for Lori, who’s still in Paris. People have been calling all week to register for our upcoming Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Denver. But a handful of skeptical readers, though...

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