3 Must-Have Travel Writing Tools (For Less Than $1)

For less than $1 each, you can buy three tools that will not only make your life as a travel writer easier… but might just save your little behind some day, too. Jen Stevens here (author of AWAI’s Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program) with your...

How to power up your sentences with strong verbs

The one fastest, easiest way to immediately improve everything you write is to use descriptive verbs. When you do, editors will take immediate notice. And they’ll like what they see. That’s because most writers are lackadaisical about their verbs. As a...

How to Win an Editor with Your Headline

HOW (AND WHY) TO WRITE HEADLINES TO CATCH AN EDITOR’S EYE When you walk up to a newsstand or to the magazine rack at the grocery check-out, what do you do? You skim the covers.  If a teaser intrigues you, you pick up the issue and flip through it, skimming the...

Dispatch #2: A New Way to Look at In-Flight Magazines

Dear Travel Writer, It took me a while to wander through the maze of tables we had set up here for last night’s Publication Expo. And I enjoyed it just as much as our attendees did. I chatted with many of the nearly 70 folks on hand here, and I thumbed through...

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