How To Take A Mini-Retirement And Still Pay The Bills

Grueling shift work, limited vacation time, and hundreds of hours of overtime had left me exhausted and bitter. I missed holidays with family, rarely saw my husband, and friends had long since given up on inviting me to anything. My job completely dictated every...

3 Tips To Help Travel Writers To Write Faster

As a young, part-time travel writer juggling a small family farm, my husband’s business, and my own career, efficient time management remains crucial. I need to save as much time as possible when taking articles from conception to completion. After I began writing for...

Become A Part-Time Travel Writer At Any Age

My first thought upon walking into the conference that morning in 2014 was, “I’ve wasted my time.” The rest of the attendees—25 to 30 years older than me—were preparing to retire… or had already retired and were looking to occupy their newly-acquired free time with...

How Travel Blogging Is A Great Start For New Writers

When I agreed to become a regular contributor for a local regional blog, as well as the blog for my Convention and Visitors Bureau, I had no idea how much these travel blogging assignments would hone and cultivate my writing skills. Looking back, it’s probably one of...

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