by Joseph Sindorf | Jun 13, 2019
My mobile phone rang as I was preparing for bed. “That’s unusual”, I thought as I picked up the phone and glanced at the screen to see an unknown phone number. The caller sounded tired, but very serious. “A major typhoon has just hit the Philippines and we would like... by Joseph Sindorf | Oct 20, 2018
The market for 360-degree shots as stock is still developing, but I’ve found that it’s a great add-on to existing work that I can use to “upsell” a client which adds to my income. For example, if I’m shooting an assignment and I see a great location...
by Joseph Sindorf | Sep 15, 2018
Let’s face it… there’s really only one reason to get involved in stock photography—to make money. And if you’re anything like me, learning how to make considerably more money with very little extra effort is time well-spent. If I’ve sparked your interest, here is my... by Joseph Sindorf | Sep 11, 2018
Imagine yourself… Sailing to a tropical Caribbean island on a beautiful yacht… enjoying a glass of Chianti with the winemaker in his gorgeous Tuscany vineyard… Meeting sports heroes like Muhammed Ali and Michael Jordan… interviewing presidents, prime ministers, and... by Joseph Sindorf | Aug 31, 2018
There’s a dizzying array of tools and sliders in Lightroom that can transform photographs from mundane to magnificent, and I want to share one of my favorites… a simple trick that I use on almost every photograph that I process. It’s called the dehaze tool. When first...