by Joseph Sindorf | Jun 10, 2017
I hope this week’s series of video tips is making you want to try shooting video (and making money) with your camera. Now that you know how and why to shoot video, I want to give you one tip that I use to consistently turn one sale into three and triple my income... by Joseph Sindorf | Jun 7, 2017
Fortunately, I’ve discovered how to earn a very good income with my camera and laptop. I don’t like to throw around my awards or talk about how much money I make. I use the word “fortunate,” because in addition to helping others in times of war, famine, and political... by Joseph Sindorf | Mar 10, 2017
I applaud people who make their living shooting stock images. Although I’ve been submitting images to stock for years, it has accounted for only a small portion of my income. I know that my lack of success in stock photography is my own fault. It takes... by Joseph Sindorf | Dec 22, 2016
The moment when photography grabbed me and changed the direction of my life is just as clear in my mind as if it happened yesterday. I was six years old, and my father had just given me a cheap camera he had picked up at a resale shop. It used 120 film and allowed me...