Before Becoming An Importer, Ask Yourself These Questions

“Oh, I just had to come see your exhibit table with all the bright colors!” “Did you make all of these things?” “Where do your items come from, and how do the women get their money?” A few other questions fly at me, and then almost invariably, someone says, “Ohhhhh,...

My Fine-Art Import Business Is More Than Just An Income

For years I’ve collected folk art from vacation travel in numerous countries. Friends would ask if/when I’d bring back anything to sell to them. In the far back of my mind was the thought that someday I could own an import store. But since I was heavily involved in...

Suitcase Importer: Travel And Shop For Profit

I used to get a lot of questions about my folk art collection: “Ohhhh, that (textile, doll, painting, necklace, weaving) is so beautiful. What country is it from?”  “When are you going back?”  “Will you shop for me?”  I have a passion for traveling to meet global...

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