How to Promote Your Writing with Social Media

Maintaining and growing your social media presence is an essential part of being a travel writer. It’s one of the key factors in whether your stories attract readers. And if you’re writing for publications, your editors are going to expect it–it’s also a great...

How To Get Started Blogging About Your Hometown

An often-repeated piece of advice for writers is to write what you know.  It’s repeated for good reason—and it applies especially to travel writers and bloggers.  While it’s exciting to jet around the globe and discover new places, the easiest place to start is in...

Grow Your Blog: 3 Tips That Launched Me To Blogging Success

Anyone can start a blog. But how do you start a blog that gets read? How do you grow your blog into one that brands want to work with? Nine years ago, I started the blog that would ultimately transform my career from corporate attorney to nationally recognized sports...

How To Grow Your Blog With Social Media Platforms

One of the most difficult things when you start out as a writer is that sinking feeling that no one is reading your work. It can be mentally challenging, causing many talented would-be writers to quit before they’ve really started.  The solution? Learn how to promote...

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