Change Your Life: Become A Freelance Writer

Toward the end of my tenure at The Denver Post, I was not in a very good space. We were all working 60-hour weeks, and nothing seemed to be getting better – we were losing subscribers at an alarming rate, advertising revenues were down, and the promise of digital...

No More Excuses: Start A Travel Blog Now

There’s a “Dear Abby” column from 1994 that always struck me as particularly important, and for about a decade I carried the clipping around in my wallet until finally it disintegrated from being folded and unfolded so many times. In the column, a 36-year-old woman...

Learning From Failure: Find Freelance Writing Success

By the time I’d been the travel editor for The Denver Post for 9 years, I was ready for a change. For those three years prior to my leaving in August 2014, though, I had spent considerable time and energy trying to save the Travel section and my role in it. As anyone...

3 Photos Editors Want For Their Travel Stories

In the world of magazines and newspapers, photographs are usually referred to as the “art” or the “creative” – the crucial images that bring visual life to the written word. Tracking down art is one of the more difficult tasks that falls to the editor – or sometimes...

4 Reasons Travel Writers Should Start A Blog

At Great Escape’s recent Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in New Orleans, I was pleasantly surprised by how many of the attendees already have or are working on their own blogs. They weren’t in the majority, by a long shot – but their numbers are clearly growing.  As...

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