4 Ways To Grab An Editor’s Attention

What do editors want? How do you grab an editor’s attention? If I could definitively answer that question for each and every editor, that would be something, wouldn’t it? But the reality is that it’s hard to know what any given editor needs from day to day....

4 Steps To Become A Successful Photographer

I was never supposed to be a photographer. You see, I’m a word gal. Always have been. I knew from the age of 6 that I wanted to be a writer, and more specifically, a journalist – and I worked very hard to achieve that goal, eventually holding two of the most coveted...

The Life Of The Freelance Travel Writer

A heron sits motionless at the edge of the canal, seemingly unperturbed by the hundreds of bicycles zooming past just a few feet away. The sun is bright, but the air is comfortably cool, and the smell of a sweet batter cooking – perhaps for stroopwafel or appeltaart –...

A Successful Travel Blog Can Boost Your Writing Career

What would you do if a major daily newspaper travel editor called you out of the blue one day to offer you a job as a travel writer? Well, that’s what can happen when you build a successful travel blog. Four travel columnists for The Denver Post know exactly how it...

How to land an assignment letter as a travel writer

The trip sounds perfect: A week in Hawaii, with round-trip airfare, lodging in Waimea and Hilo, and activities such as stand-up paddleboarding and snorkeling paid for by the Hawaii Tourism Authority, including several meals at top-notch restaurants. The organization...

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