Realize your dream; become a travel writer

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda “You just gotta ride the ride you’re given,” said my hero Dave Wiens, his hand on my shoulder, mere moments after I’d lost my lunch but a few feet away from where we stood, both of us trying to extract more oxygen...

How to publish a travel video with travel article

Your travel picture may be worth a thousand words, but a moving picture? That’s worth far more. A video for a destination story is extremely valuable to a publication with an online presence – and most will put some of that money where their freelance budgets are...

Travel Writing Food Adventures

The motorcycle cop slowed down this time, peering over his sunglasses to get a better look. The four of us — a motley crew that besides me comprised a former food critic and current wine writer, a food critic visiting from out of town, and a “food ringer” buddy...

How to Stay Young and Adventurous with Travel Writing

Ever feel a little burnt out? Like your flame needs re-igniting? Today’s story of travel writing adventure, from Denver Post Travel Editor Kyle Wagner, might be just the spark you need. After all, being a travel writer is so much more than just travel and writing....

Seven Travel Stories You Can Find in Your Hometown

As a travel writer, you can get unbelievable perks just for sharing your opinion on a place and helping readers know where to go and how to get there. But even if you’re not traveling anytime soon, you can still earn paychecks from home. Today, Denver Post travel...

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